“>We are YCR ASSOCIATES (‘Company‘, ‘we‘, ‘us‘, or ‘our‘), a company registered in India at 2/522d, Anna Gardens,NSR nagar,palai malai rd,naickenpalayam post,periyanaickenpalayam ,coimbatore,tamialnadu, coimbatore, Tamil nadu 641020. Our GST number is 33BCRPY1732P1ZS.

We operate the website (the ‘Site‘), as well as any other related products and services that refer or link to these legal terms (the ‘Legal Terms‘) (collectively, the ‘Services‘).

You can contact us by phone at 9360324527, email at, or by mail to 2/522d, Anna Gardens,NSR nagar,palai malai rd,naickenpalayam post,periyanaickenpalayam ,coimbatore,tamialnadu, coimbatore, Tamil nadu 641020, India.

Their is NO CANCELLATION or REFUND will be issued after purchase of the product. As it is a digital product we dont provide any refunds.